Treatments at Mindstuff are grounded in Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and Systemic approach.

Each family has its own history and family dynamics. Every child has a unique personality. Therapy goals are defined together by therapist and family and therapist works with personalised treatment techniques.

CBT helps parents to learn respond to their children in ways that promote more positive behaviours and improve parent-child family relationships. It is effective for managing stress and anxiety and enhance problem-solving skills.

Systemic approach sees family as a complex unit where well-being of each member effects the whole unit. This approach enables families to identify disfunctional interaction patterns, create a better functioning in home environment, helps to understand each others needs and handle special family situations. Families get support in establishing functional collaboration with child's school and other involved parties.

Therapy  consists of individual and family sessions, home visits and online sessions. Therapy can be provided in English, Swedish and Russian.

 Get in touch for more info.
